Hey You! It’s Me, Hayley!

Long Story Short…

After having my first child, and going through the average steps, and along the way I quickly realized there were things missing. Information, support, informed consent, and birth talk without fear…all things I felt missing in the average American birth experience. This inspired me and created Raising Flowers.

I attended Doula training led by The Midwives College of Utah, and felt immediately like I had made my way to my to my calling. Along with being a doula I started reading all the birth books I could get my hands on, and still there was more to know. Soon after trained in Placenta Encapsulation.

I was trained and certified by Best to be a Childbirth Educator. I flew from Utah to Texas for training and gained a vast amount of knowledge and tools to properly give knowledge and information so that all parents can have true informed consent.

I then traveled to Izamal Mexico (Yucatan) to have a Maya midwife journey. For weeks I learned from the beautiful people and the Mayan traditions that have been passed down for generations. I was trained by Rafaela Can Ake, who is a Man Midwife serving that area. She is famous for traditional Mayan Abdominal Massage and people travel to her from all over Mexico. While being trained, she healed me with this ancient practice. She certified me and gave her permission for me to spread this beautiful practice and heal others. My tips are sent to her, because I am forever grateful to her and her ancestors for their sacred knowledge.

After being able to be in the presence of absolute traditional birth and midwifery, I felt ready to embark on my own midwifery journey. I began attending at The Midwives College of Utah to become a CPM(certified practicing midwife/homebirth midwife).

It is my passion to put all of my learned skills and knowledge to support pregnant people throughout their journey. From trying to conceive to postpartum.

Currently I am practicing as a midwife assistant and attend births in Tucson with a local midwife. I am CPR certified, NRP certified and have hands on experience in physiological birth in a home setting. I am completing the PEP process for NARM to become a certified practicing midwife.

My Flowers

Dahlia and Briar Rose are the inspiration for my drive and passion for birth work. I began my journey by becoming a doula almost immediately after having my firstborn. I realized that as a new mom I lacked the knowledge, self-esteem, self-advocacy, and consent while doing seemingly “routine” pregnancy and birth in America. I saw an immense need and I strive to fulfill that in as many ways as I can. I believe strongly in how a birth experience can change drastically just by knowing tools. Tools that I have been developing and understanding for years now.

And it all started thanks to my own experiences and these two little flowers.


My Family