Traditional MayAN ABDOMINAL massage

I completed a Mayan Midwifery Journey where we learned from amazing Midwives, healers and shamen. While there, a beautiful soul, by the name of Rafaela Can Ake was kind enough to teach us Mayan birth traditions of her ancestors, healing methods, hammock birth positions and Mayan Abdominal Therapy. It was amazing to say the least.

For now, I want to share with you a little about Mayan Abdominal Therapy!

Mayan Abdominal Therapy is an ancient technique passed down from generation to generation.  It is an external and nurturing treatment of the abdominal and pelvic area that guides organs into their appropriate anatomical positions for optimum health and well being. The technique works by relieving tension, congestion and blockages throughout the abdomen and pelvis to improve the flow of chi and fluids of the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems. This therapy is for both men and women.

Moving the position of organs to your center (belly button) and making sure the uterus is not too low can improve many things. Mayan Abdominal Therapy can alleviate many common gynecological complaints including

•painful or irregular periods and/or ovulation •endometriosis

•PMS including menstrual headaches •chronic vaginitis and bladder infections •infertility

•painful intercourse

•difficult menopause

Though it's benefits for women are astounding, it is for everyone!  It can help if you have the following

• Headaches/migraines
• Digestive Disorders
• Low energy
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
• Gastro Esophageal Reflux (GERD)
• Crohn’s Disease
• Chronic constipation
• Low Back ache
• Chronic indigestion or heartburn
• Gastritis
• Restricted breathing due to tension

Personal Experience

I was able to receive two sessions and could absolutely not believe how I felt after.

Long story short, I have had chronic vomiting and tummy troubles for years and no specialist could give me solid answers or treatment. I decided to go on this journey arranged by Sarah Gress, because it sounded perfect for me. As I prepare to enter Midwifery school, I wanted a traditional (very traditional) experience in Midwifery first. I had many wonderful expectations that came to life and one was a hope for healing myself. Rafaela is famous for what she does and I can definitely see why. I have not touched my once daily nausea pills, I no longer have to avoid eating at certain times, I have much more energy and can honestly say I haven't felt this great in years!

I am so grateful for their wisdom and willingness to teach people like me to be able to help others!


Serving Tucson and surrounding areas

Sessions are done in your home with my massage table so you can keep your body relaxed and rest after the massage


Written by: Hayley Grow (Raising Flowers)